Learning CMakeLists.txt

Table of Contents

1. Brief Introduction to CMake

2. What is CMakeLists.txt?

3. Creating CMakeLists.txt

4. Other Notes

5. References

Brief Introduction to CMake

This article will help readers understand what CMakeLists.txt is, why it is used, and provide instructions on how to create a CMakeLists.txt. Before getting started, it is important to understand what CMake is. Note that the reader is presumed to have the very basic knowledge of C++, Make, and MakeFile.

Unlike Make, which is a build system that drives the compiler and other build tools to build your code, CMake (or Cross-platform Make) is a “generator” of build systems that can be used for general purpose builds. It is much more high-level such that it can generate a low-level build script in Ninja or Make or many other build systems that you can run with.

The key feature of CMake is that it supports the cross-platform discovery of system libraries, and automatic discovery and configuration of the toolchain, which is much easier to use than Make.

To install CMake, check their document on how to download and install on Unix/Linux or Windows.

What is CMakeLists.txt?

When CMake processes a project, the entry point is a source file called CMakeLists.txt in the top level of the source directory.

CMakeLists.txt is the CMake configuration file, which contains a set of directives and instructions describing the project’s source files and targets (executable, library, or both) that will be used to build the program. It determines everything for the building process, from which source files to compile, to which options to choose for the libraries and present to the users.

Here is a simple example of what it looks like:

# CMakeLists.txt

# The minimum version of CMake required
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

# Project name

# Add main.cpp file of the project root directory as a source file
set(SOURCE_FILES main.cpp)

# Add executable targets
add_executable(MyExecutable ${SOURCE_FILES})

Creating CMakeLists.txt

CMake Language

CMakeLists.txt is written in CMake Language, which consists of comments, commands, and variables.

CMake also provides basic control flow statements - conditional statements, looping constructs, and procedure definitions. Here are the examples:

For more detailed information on CMake Language, check the highlighted links above.

Key Components and Concepts

A CMakeLists.txt typically consists of the following elements:

Other components

Other Notes
