Developing with SonarQube

Table of Contents


Advantages of SonarQube

Limitations and Considerations

Example Workflow

Getting Started

Additional Resources


SonarQube is an open-source platform designed to continuously inspect code quality while easily integrating into the existing development workflow. It provides comprehensive code analysis and reporting, aiding developers and teams in maintaining code health, identifying bugs, vulnerabilities, and enhancing overall software quality. The solution performs checks at every stage of the development process.

Now you may ask why can’t I just use an IDE Linter? The thing is Linters tend to use open source and oftentimes outdated plugins that just nearly aren’t as good as what Sonar has to offer. Linters don’t generally look at the big picture and instead look at the immediate/nearby lines of code whereas SonarQube provides a comprehensive analysis of code quality, security vulnerabilities, and bugs across an entire project where things can arise through multiple files and coupling.

Advantages of SonarQube

Limitations and Considerations

Overall, after the painful setup, I found that the tool is not only simple to use but also remarkably unintrusive, offering incredibly helpful suggestions along the way.

Example Workflow

SonarLint, alongside SonarQube, exemplifies this process. It initiates within your IDE, detecting issues as you code. Serving as an advanced Linter, SonarLint acts as your primary safeguard analyzing the code locally. Once coding is complete and you open a PR, it triggers your CI workflow, prompting an automatic analysis of your PR in SonarQube.

By utilizing the Quality Gate profile you’ve set up to meet your acceptance criteria, SonarQube evaluates your PR and provides a Pass or Fail assessment. A green Quality Gate indicates readiness for code merging, while a red one signals areas that need attention. Here, you’ll observe an example of a failed Quality Gate within a GitHub PR.

You attain the following objectives:

1. Continuous Code Quality Assurance

Integrate SonarQube into your CI/CD pipeline to continuously analyze code quality with every code commit. This ensures that issues are identified and addressed early in the development process.

2. Security Vulnerability Detection

Leverage SonarQube to identify potential security risks like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other prevalent vulnerabilities within your codebase.

And get the following workflow:

Getting Started

1. [Optional] Install SonarLint

2. Installing a local instance of SonarQube

You can evaluate SonarQube using a traditional installation with the zip file or you can spin up a Docker container using one of our Docker images. Select the method you prefer below to expand the installation instructions:

Once your instance is up and running, Log in to http://localhost:9000 using System Administrator credentials:

Note: This is an example of running SonarQube locally but you would generally do the same thing on a server so that your team does not have to individually run their own SonarQube server. The alternative option would be using the enterprise service called SonarCloud.

3. Analyzing a project

Now that you’re logged in to your local SonarQube instance, let’s analyze a project:

  1. Choose Create new project.
  2. Assign a Project key and a Display name for your project, then click Set up.
  3. Navigate to Provide a token, click Generate a token, name your token, click Generate, and proceed by clicking Continue.
  4. Pick the primary language for your project under Run analysis on your project, and follow the guidelines to analyze your project.
  5. In this step, you will download and execute a scanner for your code (if you’re using Maven or Gradle, the scanner is downloaded automatically).

After successfully analyzing your code, you’ll see your first analysis on SonarQube:

4. Review Analysis Reports

Ultimately, it’s a significant gain for you: enhancing your skills as a developer, tackling issues, and ensuring you don’t burden your team with future challenges. ‘Clean as You Code’ serves as a pathway to a greater goal — striving to become the finest developer possible!

Additional Resources

Explore these resources to deepen your understanding and proficiency with SonarQube: