Handling Bugs and Technical Debt


Bugs and technical debt are inevitable aspects of software development. Properly managing and addressing these issues is crucial to maintaining a healthy and sustainable codebase. This page provides guidelines and best practices for handling bugs and technical debt effectively.



A software bug is an error, flaw, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result. Bugs can range from minor issues affecting user experience to critical problems that impact system functionality.

Bug Life Cycle

  1. Identification: Bugs can be identified through user feedback, testing, monitoring, or automated tools. Developers and team leads should foster a culture of reporting and documenting bugs.

  2. Prioritization: Prioritize bugs based on severity, impact, and urgency. Developers should use a systematic approach, such as the MoSCoW method (Must-haves, Should-haves, Could-haves, and Won’t-haves), to appraoch this.

  3. Assignment: Assign bugs to the appropriate team member with the necessary expertise. Clearly communicate responsibilities and timelines to all members.

  4. Resolution: Developers work on fixing the bugs. Developers should apply thorough testing to ensure that fixes do not introduce new issues.

  5. Verification: Once fixed, bugs should undergo verification testing to confirm that the reported issue has been resolved.

  6. Documentation: Document the bug, its resolution, and any insights gained during the process. This information is valuable for future reference.

Best Practices for Handling Bugs

Technical Debt


Technical debt refers to the implicit cost of additional work caused by choosing an easy or quick solution instead of a more robust and sustainable one. It accumulates when development teams prioritize rapid delivery over long-term maintainability.

Types of Technical Debt

  1. Deliberate Technical Debt: Intentional shortcuts taken to meet tight deadlines or to deliver a minimum viable product. This should be tracked and repaid strategically.

  2. Inadvertent Technical Debt: Unintentional issues that arise due to lack of awareness, time constraints, or changing requirements.

Managing Technical Debt

  1. Identification: Regularly assess the codebase for existing technical debt. Leverage code analysis tools such as TSLint, Checkstyle, Flake8, RuboCop, SpotBugs, and StyleCop to pinpoint areas that require attention.

  2. Documentation: Thoroughly document existing technical debt, outlining the reasons behind initial decisions. This documentation serves as a valuable reference for understanding the context of the debt and planning repayment.

  3. Prioritization: Prioritize the resolution of technical debt based on its impact on current development, potential risks, and alignment with business goals.

  4. Planning: Incorporate the resolution of existing technical debt into project planning. Allocate dedicated time during development sprints for systematically addressing accumulated debt.

  5. Refactoring: Proactively approach technical debt resolution through systematic refactoring. Regularly revisit and improve code segments to ensure long-term maintainability.

Best Practices for Reducing Technical Debt


Handling bugs and technical debt is an ongoing process that requires collaboration, communication, and a proactive mindset. By following best practices and integrating bug and technical debt management into the development workflow, teams can maintain a resilient and sustainable software ecosystem.

References / Additional Resources