Setting up OpenAI API in Python Project

Installing Python

To use the OpenAI library you first need to install Python. To test if you have Python installed, navigate to your Terminal or Command line:

Now, in your command line enter:




depending on the version of Python installed on your device.

If you enter into the Python interpreter, then Python is installed on your computer already and you can proceed. If you get an error message that says something like “Error: command python not found”, you need to install Python.

To download Python, go to the official Python website, where the latest version can be downloaded: To use the OpenAI library you need to have at least Python 3.7.1 or newer. If this is your first time installing Python, follow the instructions in this guide:

Using the OpenAI API in Python

We will now go through the application of OpenAI in python.


Firstly, you need to start by installing the OpenAI Python client library. To do so open your terminal and run the following command:

pip install openai


To use the OpenAI API, you must authenticate your requests with an API key:

  1. Set up an environment variable for your API key to keep it secure. Change ‘your_api_key_here’ with your personal key.
export OPENAI_API_KEY='your_api_key_here'
  1. Load the API key in your Python script from the environment variable:
import os
import openai

openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")

This will import the required library with the correct key.

Making Your First API Call

Now that you’re set up, we can make an API call to generate some text. Here’s a simple example:

response = openai.Completion.create(
  prompt="In a quiet town,",


This example uses the text-davinci-003 engine to generate text based on the prompt provided.

Advanced Usage

OpenAI API supports a variety of advanced features and applications which can all be explored individually:

Each of these tasks can be accomplished by adjusting the parameters in your API requests according to the OpenAI documentations.

Best Practices


The OpenAI API offers a powerful range of tools for developers looking to integrate advanced AI learning capabilities into their Python applications. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can begin to explore the vast possibilities offered by AI.

For more detailed information and advanced features, visit the OpenAI API documentation.


OpenAI. (n.d.). Quickstart: Your first API call. from