Custom Functions

Creating a Function

So far, we have only used C’s built-in functions to do operations on data. But we can also package sections of code up to create our own functions, so that we can use similar blocks of code many times in our code without writing it all our manually every time.

Creating our own functions also avoids the main() function from becoming so large that it’s unreadable. Thus we can extract out some processes to be functions. This process is also called decomposition.

It also helps when we have many people working on a program. We can delegate people to write out functions that have specifications on what it takes as input, what it does, and what it outputs (and maybe some more details). And then we can piece all the functions that all the developers have written together into a single working software.

Whenever a function call is encountered, with the compiler seeing something like:

x = func(y, z);
process(a, b, c);

It has to make sure that:

(If any of these information mismatches, the compiler will thrown an error at compilation.)

And all these information must be provided to the compiler, either at the function’s declaration or its definition.

As an example:

int add_together(int a, int b); // declaration, before main()

int main(){
    // We use the function here.

int add_together(int a, int b){  // definition, usually after main()
    return a + b;

The declaration only contains the function’s interface, (name, parameters, types). It’s also called the function’s prototype.

The definition contains the full implementation of the function (interface & function body). If we want to write the functions after the main() function, we MUST have a declaration before the main() function.

The declaration and the interface in the definition must match.

The Return Statement

Whenever a return statement is reached in a function, the function terminates immediately.

Return statements are mandatory if the function has an output. And what is being returned must match the return type of the function, for example:

int add_together(int a, int b){
    return a + b;

Functions of return type void (i.e. returns nothing) don’t need a return statement. But if a return statement is present, it just serves to jump out of the function early, like so:

void print_on_condition(int a, int b){
    if(a < b) return;
		printf("%d %d\n", a, b);

Scope and Global Variables

If a variable is defined within a block (wrapped in curly brackets {…}, be it a function, or a loop), it can only be accessed within that same block (and all the blocks nested inside it of course).

For example:

int add_together(int a, int b);

int main(){
    int x, y;
		scanf("%d", &x); scanf("%d", &y);
    x = add_together(x, y);
		printf("%d\n", x);
		return 0;

int add_together(int a, int b){
		int x = a + b;
    return x;

In the above example, the x in the main function and the x in the add_together function are different. These are both local variables in their respective block.

But of course, if we want to make a variable that is accessible to all functions in the source file, we can create it outside of and before all function definitions. This type of variable is call a global variable, for example:

int global;

void func(){
    global += 2;

int main(){
    global = 1;
    return 0;  // At the end of the program, global == 3


Now we are going to do a bit of further exploring in regards to parameters of functions.

Say we have this function below, that is being used:

int add_together(int a, int b);

int main(){
    int x, y;
		scanf("%d", &x); scanf("%d", &y);
    x = add_together(x, y);
		printf("%d\n", x);
		return 0;

int add_together(int a, int b){
		int x = a + b;
    return x;

Note that the parameters are not declared within the function, but are passed in when the function is called. So that in the function’s body, we can assume that all the parameters are initialized and contain the correct values for us to use.

The parameters a and b in the example are used in the function as if they are local variables that are already initialized, they are called the function’s formal parameters.

When we call our function, we have to make sure that the number of arguments and their types are correct, like in the example where we passed in x and y, these are the actual parameters.

We can also pass in literals and expressions, given that the types of their values are correct, e.g. add_together(100, 2 * x).

All the expressions will be evaluated first, and their values are passed in.

Before the function body is run, the formal parameters are assigned the value of the actual parameters.

And since parameters behave like local variables, we can assume that changing their value within the function block does not affect the actual values outside the function.