Fundamentals of C Programming

Basic Concepts of Programming

Lexicon: The set of all symbols (letters, words, numbers, punctuation marks, etc.) that could be used in a language is called a language’s lexicon.

Syntax: The set of rules that determine the correct ways to arrange symbols to form a valid meaning in a language is called a language’s syntax.

Semantics: And the meaning that comes from arranging elements from the lexicon of a language according to its syntax is called a language’s semantics.

Portability: The feature of high-level languages that allows it to be compiled and run on almost any processor architecture is called portability.

Compilation: Normally, a compiler translates the source code (in the source file) to machine code that the processor can understand (as an executable file). This process is called compilation.

Linking: When we have multiple source files as part of one program, the compiler will first compile them into executables, and then the linker will join (or glue) the executable files together into a single unified product. This process is called linking.

General-Purpose Programming Language: C is a general-purpose programming language, meaning that it is suitable for almost any programming project, while not being tailored to any specific usage.

Algorithm: The finite sequence of instructions for a calculation in a program is called an algorithm.

Structure of a C Program

Take a simple C program for an example.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void){
    puts("It's me, your first program.");
    return 0;

Preprocessor Directives

The lines of code at the beginning of a source file that begin with # are called preprocessor directives (e.g. #include <stdio.h>). These lines are read by the compiler before the compilation of the code, to make internal modifications to the code, such as importing libraries (e.g. stdio.h) or macro replacements (e.g. replacing all MAX_NUM with 10000). But of course, preprocessor directives do not change the source file itself.

In our example, the puts() function (which displays a string of characters in a single line) is undefined in our source code. So in order to use it, we would have to import it from the header file stdio.h, which contains preliminary information for the compiler to use the functions within the “stdio” or “standard IO” library.


One of the fundamental building blocks of a program is a function. A function takes in a number of inputs called “arguments” or “parameters”, performs a sequence of actions on them, and then returns an output or a number of outputs (”results”).

Note that a function can also take no inputs, and can also return no outputs.

In order to define a function we start by the return type of the function (e.g. int for “integer”), followed by the name of the function (e.g. multiply), then followed by the arguments in parentheses, with each argument being in the format: [type] [name]. (These information are called the function’s prototype.) Then what follows is the implementation (body) of the function in brackets, like so:

int multiply(int a, int b){
    return a * b;

If the function does have an output, then we must have a return statement in the function to return the result back to the function user. (Note that after the return statement, the function immediately terminates.)

If a function gives out no outputs, then it’s output type would be void, and no return statement is present in the function, like so:

void displayInteger(int a){
    printf("%d", a);  // This displays an integer to the terminal.

The Semicolon: As we can now see from the code examples above, every line of code that does something (every statement) in C must end with a semicolon ;. This is the way the compiler distinguishes each line from another.

The Main Function: All C programs must have a main function called main, and it’s prototype is int main() or int main(void). This is where the code will start running in the executable.

The main function should do return 0; if it’s a normal exit of the program. And it should do return 1; if something has gone wrong in the program, and it needs to inform the operating system.

The Function Call (Function Invocation): To call a function, we simply have to write the name of the function, then give it the parameters that it requires within the parentheses after the name. Like so: (when the function does not return anything)

puts("Hello World!");  // This will run on its own. Since it's a statement.

If the return value is not void, then we would have to put the return value somewhere, such as in a variable, like so:

int a = 4;
int x = multiply(a, 2);  
// Now we are required to put return value somewhere. 
// Since the function call is now an expression, and not a statement.


Comments are essential to good code writing, to be able to explain what a piece of code does to other readers (or the future you).

// This is a single-line comment

	This is also a comment.
  But it spans multiple lines. It's a multi-line comment.

 * This is also a multi-line comment.
 * But it's used before functions for documentation purposes.
 * @param par1 explains what parameter 1 is
 * @return explains what the return value does

Nested comments, like this: /* abc /* def */ g */ are forbidden!

Numbers and Variables

In C, there are 2 types of numbers: integers (whole numbers), and floating point numbers (numbers that have decimal point values). These two must be distinguished from each other, since they are stored differently inside memory.

The type signature of an integer is int, and the type signature of a floating point number can be float or double (a double stores more digits but takes up more space).

In C, a simple number, e.g. 123, is always in decimal form. 123 means 123.

However, if you want to write octal numbers (0 to 7 carry at 8), then you add an extra 0 at the beginning of the number, e.g. 0123 is an octal number is equal to 83 in decimal.

If you want to write numbers in hexadecimal, then you add 0x before the number, e.g. 0x123 is equal to 291 in decimal.


A variable is a container that has a name, that stores a value of some type.

The name of a variable must start with a letter (or an underscore character), and can only contain letters, numbers, and underscores.

Variable names are case-sensitive, meaning that upper and lower case counterparts are treated as different characters.

Variable names also must not be reserved keywords by the C language (e.g. int, if, while).

To use a variable, we must declare it first. This tells the system to allocate space in memory for this variable.

To declare a variable, start with the type signature of the data that the variable is designed to store (e.g. int, float, double, char (characters), bool (boolean values, either true or false) ), then the name of the variable, like so:

int firstVariable;
float secondVar;

double aDouble, anotherDouble;  // Declaring 2 doubles at the same time.
// Put a comma in between variable names to declare them together.

We give a variable a value (or “assigning it a value”) by using the operator =, like so:

firstVariable = 4;  // Now firstVariable has a value of 4.
secondVar = 3.14;  // Now secondVar has a value of 3.14.

firstVariable = 1 + 2;  // firstVariable is given the RESULT of 1 + 2, which is 3.

firstVariable = firstVariable + 1;
// firstVariable is 'updated' to where it now contains its PREVIOUS value plus 1,
// which is 4.

We can also assign a variable a value at the same time as declaring it, this is called “initializing” a variable, and it is done like so:

float thirdOne = 10.123;  // Now thirdOne is created and given the value 10.123.

Type Modifiers

Normally, an int value is stored in 4 bytes (32 bits), and has range $\mathbb{Z}\cap [-2^{31}, 2^{31}-1]$, which is: $\mathbb{Z}\cap [-2147483648, 2147483647]$.

Long Long Modifier: Now, if we need to store an integer that is outside of this range, we can add the modifier long long before the int when declaring, this will store the value in 8 bytes (64 bits), and has range $\mathbb{Z}\cap [-2^{63}, 2^{63}-1]$, which is $\mathbb{Z}\cap [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775807]$.

long long int x;
long long y;  // We can also omit the "int" when declaring

x = 99999999999; // This number is auto-recognized as long,
// since it's outside the range of normal int.

If we want to specifically tell the compiler to recognize a number literal as long, then we have to add the letter l or L at the end of the number, like so: 123l, 123L

Short Modifier: We can also add modifier short before the int when declaring, this will store the value in 2 bytes (16 bits), and has range $\mathbb{Z}\cap [-2^{15}, 2^{15}-1]$, which is $\mathbb{Z}\cap [-32768, 32767]$.

short int x = 128;
short y;  // We can also omit the "int" when declaring

Unsigned Modifier: If we add unsigned before a declaration of an int (or char), this will only allow non-negative numbers in the variable, allowing double the range on the positive side.

For example, unsigned short has range $\mathbb{Z}\cap [0, 2^{16}]$ instead of $\mathbb{Z}\cap [-2^{15}, 2^{15}-1]$.

unsigned short x;
unsigned long long y;
unsigned int z;

Basics of Printf

The printf() (”print formatted”) function prints things to the terminal (or console) in a certain format. It takes at least 1 parameters, where:

The first parameter is always a string (a series of characters enclosed in double quotes, e.g. “abc”), this determines the format of what is being displayed, including what is constant.

Within the string, you can insert %d to display an integer, %f to display a float, %lf to display a double (or “long float”), %s to display a string, and %c to display a character. These are called specifiers.

(In addition, %x displays an int in hexadecimal form, and %o displays an int in octal form.)

(To display the percentage sign (%) itself, use %%. )

Important Note: The number of arguments following the format argument MUST be equal to the number of specifiers!

printf("This is a message.");  // Will display: This is a message.
printf("The number is: %d", 4);  // This number is: 4
printf("The numbers are: $d, %f, %d", 1, 2.3, 4);  // The numbers are: 1, 2.3, 4
printf("The message: %s\n", "Hello!");  // The message: Hello!
// Note: "\n" goes to a new line.

Within the string, \n means a “new line” character (enter key), and \t means a tab character. We can use this for some basic formatting.

Note that if we want to switch to new lines, we have to do it manually by adding \n, since printf prints character by character.

Basics of Scanf

The scanf (”scan formatted”) function is the input counterpart of printf.

Similarly, the first parameter is a string, denoting the format of the input, so that the program knows how to interpret the inputs.

For example, if we want to read an integer and put it inside variable x:

int x;
scanf("%d", &x);

float a, b;
scanf("%f %f", &a, &b);

The & next to the variable name means “the address of”. If we remove the &, then we are only providing a value, and not where to store the input. Hence the necessity &.