Introduction to Cross Platform vs Native Mobile Development


Table of Contents

  1. Cross-Platform Development Frameworks
  2. Advantages and Challenges of Cross-Platform Development
  3. Popular Cross-Platform Development Tools and Frameworks
  4. Native Mobile Development
  5. Advantages and Challenges of Native Development
  6. Comparing Performance and User Experience
  7. Examples of Products
  8. Developer Resources
  9. References

Cross-Platform Development Frameworks

Cross-platform development for mobile involves creating applications that can run seamlessly across multiple operating systems, such as iOS and Android, utilizing a single codebase. Through cross-platform frameworks, developers gain the ability to streamline the development process by writing code once and deploying it across various platforms. CSC301 students can benefit greatly from understanding cross-platform development as it is easier to implement for multiple famous platforms such as iOS and Android. According to Stack Overflow’s Developer Survey 2021, React Native was ranked among the top frameworks loved by developers. Students with existing knowledge in web can easily start-off with React Native providing them with a clear transition.

Advantages and Challenges of Cross-Platform Development


  1. Faster development and deployment times compared to native development
  2. Cost-effectiveness due to code reuse across multiple platforms
  3. Simplified maintenance and updates with a single codebase
  4. Greater reach by targeting multiple platforms simultaneously


  1. Performance limitations compared to native development
  2. Platform-specific nuances and limitations may require workarounds
  3. Dependency on third-party frameworks and libraries, which may introduce compatibility issues
  4. Limited access to platform-specific features and APIs may restrict functionality

According to different skill-set of CSC301 Students they can choose either framework for developing their application. A thorough breakdown is as follows:

React Native



Native Mobile Development

Native mobile development for iOS and Android involves creating applications specifically tailored for each platform using their respective programming languages and frameworks. For iOS, developers typically use Swift while for Android, Kotlin or Java are commonly employed. Notable IDEs for native development include Xcode for iOS and Android Studio for Android, providing robust toolsets for designing, debugging, and deploying applications. Understanding native development will help CSC301 students with the ability to harness platform specific capabilities fully, delivering high-performance, feature-rich mobile applications tailored to partners’ needs.

Advantages and Challenges of Native Development


  1. Performance: Native apps typically offer superior performance compared to cross-platform alternatives as they are optimized for specific platforms, leveraging platform-specific features and APIs.
  2. Seamless Integration: Native apps seamlessly integrate with the device ecosystem, providing a cohesive user experience consistent with the platform’s design guidelines and user expectations.
  3. Optimized User Interface: Native development enables developers to create highly responsive and intuitive user interfaces that align closely with the platform’s design principles, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.


  1. Platform Dependency: Developing separate codebases for iOS and Android requires additional time and resources compared to cross-platform development, as developers need to maintain platform-specific codebases and implement platform-specific features separately. CSC301 students need people with both domain knowledge otherwise, they won’t be able to fulfill partner’s requirement.
  2. Learning Curve: Learning platform-specific languages and frameworks, such as Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android, may require additional time and effort, especially for developers new to mobile development.
  3. Release Cycle: Releasing updates and new features simultaneously across multiple platforms may pose challenges due to differences in release processes and approval times between app stores. This can be seen as a challenge for CSC301 students who have limited time for releasing a product.

Native Mobile development also allows ease to follow platform-specific design guidelines. These guidelines provide developers with insights into the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) expectations specific to each platform, ensuring that applications look and feel native to the respective operating systems.

Comparing Performance and User Experience

Performance considerations in cross-platform vs native development

Testing Environments

Long-term implications for scalability and codebase maintenance

Hybrid Mobile Application Approach

Hybrid app development approaches involve leveraging web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) within native app frameworks. One common approach is using web views within native apps, where web content is displayed within a native app container. Popular frameworks for hybrid app development include Apache Cordova/PhoneGap and Ionic. However, hybrid approaches may sometimes face performance and user experience challenges compared to fully native apps.

Examples of Products

Developer Resources

Finally, for CSC301 students to get started with the development process, here are some of the resources they could refer to:

These resources provide a comprehensive starting point for CSC301 students to learn, practice, and excel in the development process. Here are the roadmap that they can follow. This provides an illustration of the all the branches of knowledge that one need to fully understand the concepts and topics behind each of the development process:

Android Roadmap

React Native Roadmap


Ahmed, Kamran. “Learn to Become a Modern React Native Developer.” Roadmap.Sh, 27 June 2023, Accessed 17 Mar. 2024.

“Should I Choose Cross-Platform Mobile App Development over Native Apps?” TechAhead, 7 May 2023, Accessed 17 Mar. 2024.

Schmitt, Jacob. “Native vs Cross-Platform Mobile App Development.” CircleCI, 24 Aug. 2022, Accessed 17 Mar. 2024.