Learning OData for RESTful API Development

Table of contents


What is OData

Getting Started with OData

OData Basics

How to Use OData for RESTful APIs

Additional Resources


In this guide, you will explore OData, a powerful protocol for building and consuming RESTful APIs. This tutorial aims to provide a foundational understanding of what OData is, its key concepts, and how to use it to create robust and interoperable APIs. Before you dive in, ensure you have a basic understanding of web development and RESTful principles.

What is OData

OData, or Open Data Protocol, is a standardized protocol for building and consuming RESTful APIs. Developed by Microsoft, it is now an OASIS standard . OData provides conventions for creating and consuming web services, making it easier for developers to create interoperable APIs. It is based on standard HTTP protocols and supports CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on resources.

Getting Started with OData

  1. Define Your Data Model: OData operates based on data models. Before creating an OData service, define the entities and relationships that your API will expose.

  2. Set Up Your OData Service: Use various tools and frameworks to establish an OData service. A popular choice is the ASP.NET OData framework for .NET applications. Alternatively, explore other platforms supporting OData.

  3. Expose Your Data: Configure your OData service to expose the entities defined in your data model. This involves specifying endpoints, properties, and relationships that clients can interact with.

  4. Enable Querying: OData allows clients to query data using a standardized syntax. Ensure that your service supports OData query options, such as $filter, $select, $top, and $orderby.

OData Basics

At the core of OData is its ability to expose data entities as resources accessible through HTTP. Below are some key concepts and features:

How to Use OData for RESTful APIs

Setting Up OData

  1. Install OData Package: Use your preferred package manager to install the OData package. For example, using npm:

    npm install express odata
  2. Create an Express App: Set up an Express.js application. Below is a basic example:

    const express = require("express");
    const { ODataServer } = require("odata-v4-server");
    const app = express();
    // Your OData configurations and routes go here
    const port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
    app.listen(port, () => {
      console.log(`Server is running on port ${port}`);

Defining OData Endpoints

  1. Create an Entity Model: Define the data model for your API entities. For example:

    const { createFilter } = require("odata-v4-mongodb");
    const { ObjectID } = require("mongodb");
    class Product {
      constructor() {
        this.ID = ObjectID;
        this.Name = String;
        this.Price = Number;
  2. Define the Controller: Create a controller to handle OData requests. For example:

    const { ODataController } = require("odata-v4-server");
    const { ObjectID } = require("mongodb");
    module.exports = class ProductController extends ODataController {
      async getOne(key) {
        return {
          ID: new ObjectID(key),
          Name: "Sample Product",
          Price: 29.99,
      async get(query) {
        const filter = createFilter(query);
        // Implement logic to retrieve products based on the filter
        return [
          { ID: new ObjectID(), Name: "Product 1", Price: 19.99 },
          { ID: new ObjectID(), Name: "Product 2", Price: 29.99 },
  3. Configure OData Routes: Set up OData routes in your Express app:

    const { ODataServer, ODataController } = require("odata-v4-server");
    const ProductController = require("./controllers/ProductController");
    const server = ODataServer()
      .resource("Product", ProductController);
    server.adapter = require("odata-v4-mongodb").createMongoDbServer({
      database: "your_database_name",
      username: "your_username",
      password: "your_password",
      server: "your_mongodb_server",
    server.error((err, req, res, next) => {
    app.use("/odata", (req, res) => {
      server.handle(req, res);
  4. Accessing OData Endpoints: Your OData endpoints are now accessible. For example, to get a product by ID:

    GET /odata/Product('product_id')

    To retrieve all products:

    GET /odata/Product

    Customize and extend these routes based on your API requirements.

Additional Resources

Happy coding!