Table of Contents

Understanding Containers & Kubernetes

Containers are units that can run applications and their dependencies in isolated environments. They package an application and its dependencies together, ensuring consistency across different environments. An example of containerization technology is Docker. Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform. It provides a framework for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

Introduction to OpenShift

Red Hat OpenShift is an open-source container application platform that runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS). It is built on existing Kubernetes features with additional features specific to OpenShift. It takes care of scaling, monitoring, logging, and metering functions like Kubernetes but also provides an in-cluster docker registry, developer-friendly environment, amongst other features.

Key Features:


In order to understand OpenShift, it is crucial to know the architecture. It has several layers with dedicated responsibilities.

Infrastructure Layer

This layer allows the cluster to be deployed on the cloud either private or public or on physical or virtual servers.

Service Layer

This layer is an abstraction provided by Kubernetes primarily used to expose and access applications within the cluster. It facilitates communication between different components. It primarily consists of 2 types of nodes: master and worker node. Each node has a host and IP address that can be accessed within the cluster. Only the master node has a public IP address that can be accessed from outside the cluster.

Master node

Worker node

The worker node is made of pods, pods are the smallest unit that can be deployed, and it can contain one or more containers. Containers typically include requirements and dependencies your applications need to run. It is important to note that containers are ephemeral, and containers restart often which can lead to loss of data. To prevent that, persistent storage is used to save data. It also consists of registry to store images.

Routing Layer

It provides routes that allow for external access to applications.

Deploying a Simple Application


Accessing your Cluster

Creating an Application

@app.route(‘/’) def hello_world(): return ‘Hello, World!’

if name == ‘main’:’’, port=8080)

Flask is a framework that is used to create web application. The code above creates a simple web app that prints Hello World.

- Create a requirements file called requirements.txt:


- Create a docker file named Dockerfile as follows:

FROM python:3.9-slim


RUN pip install –no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

CMD [“python”, “”]

The docker file above is essentially used to build a docker image. It first imports a python base image for the container since it the application requires python to run. Then, it sets the working directory inside the container to /app. The `COPY . .` line copies the content of the /app folder to the container (i.e. and requirements.txt). Then, it installs python dependencies based on the requirements.txt file. Finally, it runs the application.

### Deploying an application

Now, we will create an image and push the image to our registry. In order to do so, we need to find our registry name, username and password
- `oc get route -n openshift-image-registry` will provide you with the name of your image registry in your Openshift Cluster.
- `oc whoami -t` will output the password for the registry

**Note**: Openshift CLI is often abbreviated as oc thus it is the primary tool to interact with openshift

Once you have your registry's URL, username and password, you can login with the following command:

docker login -u -p $(oc whoami -t)

Then, we can build our image and push it to the registry with the following commands:

docker build -t /hello-world-app docker push /hello-world-app

Now, lets deploy an application using this image.

oc new-app /hello-world-app

### Accessing application

In order to the application and make it accessible, we will have to "expose" the service. This can be done with the following command:

oc expose svc/hello-world-app

With the following command,  you can find the URL where the app has been deployed, i.e. there will be a "Hello World!"

oc get route | grep hello-world-app ```

Additional Resources

You can find additional information and details here: