Using Python Ray Tasks to distribute your functions on multiple machines

Table of Contents



Ray is a heavyweight framework and it’s expensive to learn all the functionalities. This tutorial will only introduce Ray Tasks as the tip of the iceberg for building and scaling distributed applications. I will give you a small tour of using Ray Tasks to distribute your functions to two different machines.

Introduction to Ray

Ray is a unified framework for scaling AI and Python applications. Ray consists of a core distributed runtime and a set of AI Libraries for accelerating ML workloads.

Today’s ML workloads are increasingly compute-intensive. As convenient as they are, single-node development environments such as your laptop cannot scale to meet these demands.

Ray is a unified way to scale Python and AI applications from a laptop to a cluster.

With Ray, you can seamlessly scale the same code from a laptop to a cluster. Ray is designed to be general-purpose, meaning that it can performantly run any kind of workload. If your application is written in Python, you can scale it with Ray, no other infrastructure required.

Introduction to Ray Tasks

Ray Core provides a small number of core primitives (i.e., tasks, actors, objects) for building and scaling distributed applications. You can turn your functions and classes easily into remote tasks in the cluster.


Install Ray in python:

pip install ray

If you are looking for installation on different platform or for different languages, please visit here.

Creating a Ray cluster

Creating a Ray cluster that spans across two machines involves setting up one machine as the head node and the other as a worker node. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 1: Install Ray on Both Machines

First, ensure Ray is installed on both machines. You can install it using pip:

pip install ray

Step 2: Set Up the Head Node

On the machine you choose to be the head node, start Ray with the following command:

ray start --head --port=6379

This command will output several addresses, but the most important one is the ray://:10001. You'll need this to connect the worker node to the head node.

Step 3: Set Up the Worker Node

On the other machine (the worker node), you will connect to the head node using the address provided above. Replace with the actual IP address of the head node:

ray start --address='<head-node-ip-address>:6379'

Step 4: Check the status of your Ray cluster

To check the status of your Ray cluster, you need to run ray status` on the head node of your cluster.

If ray status shows all expected nodes with their resources, it indicates that the cluster nodes are connected and communicating properly.

Running a Task on the Cluster

Now, you can run a Python script on the head node that utilizes the cluster. Here’s a simple example:

Initialize Ray: In your Python script on the head node, initialize Ray and connect it to the cluster:

import ray
ray.init(address='auto')  # Connect to the existing cluster

Define a Task: Create a task as a remote function:

# Define the square task.
@ray.remote(num_cpus=1)  # Assuming each node has the same number of CPUs
def square(x):
    return x * x

Run the Task: Execute the task. It can now run on any node in the cluster:

# Launch four parallel square tasks.
futures = [square.remote(i) for i in range(4)]

Retrieve the Result: Get the result of the task:

# Retrieve results.
# -> [0, 1, 4, 9]

Shutdown: When done, you can disconnect from the cluster:


In this example, each task is configured to use a single CPU. Ray will schedule these tasks across the available nodes, aiming to utilize the CPUs as evenly as possible.

Stop Ray on the Cluster

When you’re finished, you can stop Ray on both machines:

On the head node:

ray stop

On the worker node:

ray stop

Scenarios for use

Additional Resources


(Introduction to Ray Core)[]