Building Apple Native Software Using Swift and SwiftUI

Table of contents


Why Use Swift?

What is SwiftUI?

Starting a Swift Project

Swift View

Design Patterns with SwiftUI

Testing Your App - Unit Tests

Testing Your App - Simulators

Testing Your App - Debugging

Other Useful Resources


Swift is a modern, open-source programming language developed by Apple as a replacement for their earlier language, Objective-C.

It can be used on Mac devices to develop software that targets all Apple platforms: iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS, while being deeply integrated into Apple’s IDE: Xcode.

In the following official Apple documentation, there are many other resources, such as videos, interactive demos, and guided exercises, you can use to better understand and practice these tools.

Swift Getting Started Documentation

SwiftUI Documentation

Xcode Documentation

Why Use Swift?

While languages such as React Native allow you to build multi-platform apps, such as for iOS and Android, using only one source code, Swift offers many tools that make it easy to quickly build apps that work specifically throughout all of Apple’s ecosystem of platforms.

Apps built through Swift can intuitively support iPhone and iPad screens at the same time, utilizing design patterns and themes that fit Apple’s design policy to match the expected user experience on an iOS device.

You will have access to an assortment of developer kits that make it simpler to integrate various, native features into your app. For example, WidgetKit can help set up widgets for iOS Home Screens for your app, or HealthKit can allow you to communicate to a user’s health and fitness data, with their permission.

It comes built-in with over 4000 customizable icons and symbols that are designed to seamlessly match Apple software, which you can view and modify through SF Symbols 4.

These are just some of the many advantages available.

What is SwiftUI?

In 2019, Apple introduced a new framework for building user interfaces called SwiftUI. This is a declarative UI toolkit, similar to React, where we can tell it what components we want and the framework will handle performing the steps needed to get that result.

Hacking with Swift is a great free resource for learning how to do specific things in Swift and SwiftUI when the issues arise.

Stanford CS193p is also a great resource for learning app development in SwiftUI for those who prefer a structured course with interactive assignments.

Starting a Swift Project

After launching Xcode, selecting Create a new Xcode project, and choosing which platform and type of app you want to make, you will then have to fill in the following info:

Screen Shot 2023-03-20 at 4 31 06 PM

This information can be changed later, so for starters, you can leave Team to be empty, as this is only necessary for deploying the app to the App Store. Organization identifier is used to uniquely identify your app once it is up on the App Store, so you can choose whichever name you’d like, such as your name or group’s name. Do note Organization identifier cannot be changed once the app is uploaded to the App Store but it is purely metadata.

Make sure to use SwiftUI and Swift as your interface and language respectively, then click Next to choose where to store your project, and now you’re ready to start.

Swift View

A view is a user interface component used to create the visual part of the application. Creating a new project automatically creates a view called Content View:

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 12 32 33 AM

Views in Swift are defined as structs and must conform to the View protocol. The content and behavior of the view are provided in the body of the view. To see how the view is transformed into the user’s interface and how users can interact with the view, we can either build and run our application on a simulated device or view the Xcode preview. An Xcode preview of a view is created automatically when we create a new view. The Xcode preview will display the Content View as shown below:

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 12 34 28 AM

To see the view on a simulated device refer to the Testing Your App - Simulators for instrustion on how to set up a simulator. We cannot edit a view through the simulator. We must edit the view manually and rebuild and rerun our application to see the changes reflected on the simulator.

Editing a View

We can edit a view in two ways: manually or through the view inspector (only when the view is opened in Xcode preview). Modifications to the view’s body will be reflected in real-time in the preview. For our example, we will show how to edit the text colour manually and through a view inspector. To edit a view through an inspector:

  1. Change from live mode (default mode) to selectable mode to enable editing

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 3 41 14 PM

  1. Command-control-click the element you want to edit, bringing up the structured editing pop-up. The pop-up shows the different attributes you can customize. For our example, we will customize the colour attribute. Select Show SwiftUI Inspector.

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 12 35 54 AM

  1. Select the color attribute and choose the color purple.

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 12 36 25 AM

The change will be reflected immediately on the simulated device, and Xcode will update your code to match the change.

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 1 09 35 AM

To edit manually, we must add the line foregroundColor (Color.purple) to the view’s body ourselves.

Combining Views

A single view with multiple elements can lead to a cluttered view body. We should separate each of these elements into their own separate view. Then, combine these views in stacks, which group views together horizontally (HStack), vertically (VStack), or back-to-front (ZStack). For instance, in this scenario, the Circle Image and Map View are initially separate views and are combined in a VStackand embedded with the Content View for display:

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 1 06 40 AM

Previewing Light and Dark Modes, Orientations, and Device Types

We can see how our user interface will look in light and dark modes. To do so select the Variant Control

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 12 39 27 AM

and choose Colour Scheme Variants.

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 12 39 44 AM

We can also view how the user interface will look in different orientations by selecting the “Orientation Variant.”

Screenshot 2023-11-23 at 12 40 07 AM

To view the preview on different device types, you can change the device the preview is displayed on from the buttons below. Here is an example of the same view shown on an iPad:

Screenshot 2023-11-28 at 3 53 35 PM

Design Patterns with SwiftUI

Now that you have seen how to compose a view in SwiftUI, this section will go over how to apply some of the principles of clean architecture to your project. Simply put, there are three main abstraction layers; presentation, business (or domain), and data.

Before going over how to conform your project to this architecture, let’s get familiar with the most common wrappers and protocols (the Swift equivalent of an interface) used in SwiftUI.


The State wrapper is a concept similar to react native. It allows a view to own a property and is completely managed by SwiftUI’s property storage. When a value wrapped in State changes, the view is re-rendered to reflect them. State properties can be shared with subviews through a Binding.


The Binding wrapper creates a connection between a property that stores data and a view that displays and changes the data. It connects the property to some source of truth that is defined elsewhere. Typically the Binding wrapper is used in conjunction with the State wrapper defined above. Changing the value of a Binding creates a waterfall and all views connected to the State property are re-rendered. Here is an example of both in use:

struct PlayerView: View {
    @State private var isPlaying: Bool = false // Create the state here now.

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            PlayButton(isPlaying: $isPlaying) // Pass a binding.
struct PlayButton: View {
    @Binding var isPlaying: Bool // Play button now receives a binding.

    var body: some View {
        Button(isPlaying ? "Pause" : "Play") {

In this example the parent view PlayerView keeps a state variable isPlaying and passes it down the PlayButton view. Notice the $ before referencing the variable, which allows us to reach the property wrapped in a Binding. In this subview, we use the binding to isPlaying to toggle its value on a button press. This causes both the views to re-render because the binding changes the value at the source of truth.


Class attributes can be wrapped with Published, which allows other variables to subscribe to their changes.


A class that conforms to this protocol can be used to refresh views when their Published attributes change.


When passing an instance of a class that conforms to the ObservableObject protocol inside a child view, we use theObservedObject wrapper. The behaviour of this object is similar to the Binding wrapper defined above.


When instantiating an object of a class that conforms to the ObservableObject protocol inside a parent view, we use the StateObject wrapper. The behaviour of this object is similar to the State wrapper defined above. Here is an example of a class and their views in use:

class UserProgress: ObservableObject { // Define class and protocol
    @Published var score = 0 // Published attribute

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var progress = UserProgress() // Source of truth

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Your score is \(progress.score)")
            InnerView(progress: progress)

struct InnerView: View {
    @ObservedObject var progress: UserProgress // Binding from parent

    var body: some View {
        Button("Increase Score") {
            progress.score += 1 // Updating this refreshes views

In this example we have a UserProgress class with a published score attribute. An instance of UserProgress is instantiated in the parent view ContentView and its binding is passed to InnerView. When the button is pressed in the InnerView, the published attribute score changes, which tells SwiftUI to re-render the views that reference this instance of the observable object, thus the score is refreshed on every button tap.


You may have noticed that using StateObject and ObservedObject requires us to explicitly pass the object from the parent view to the child view. If we have many child views or a deeply nested view hierarchy it may be cumbersome to keep passing this object down because not all views may require this specific object. To clean things up, we can wrap the ObservedObject in an EnvironmentObject instead and pass the StateObject in the view environment. This allows us to retrieve the ObservableObject from the parent view’s Environment instead of the parameters of a view. SwiftUI automatically assigns environment objects based on type. We can use this concept to improve the previous example:

class UserProgress: ObservableObject {
    @Published var score = 0

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var progress = UserProgress() 

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Your score is \(progress.score)")
            InnerView() // No longer pass progress to the child view
        .environmentObject(progress) // Pass it through the environment instead

struct InnerView: View {
    // Grab UserProgress instance from the view environment
    @EnvironmentObject var progress: UserProgress

    var body: some View {
        Button("Increase Score") {
            progress.score += 1


We can also add an ObservableObject to a managed Environment instead, which allows us to retrieve custom values as well as predefined Swift values through keys. We can alternatively use this concept on the previous example as well:

class UserProgress: ObservableObject {
    @Published var score = 0

struct ContentView: View {
    @StateObject var progress = UserProgress() 

    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Text("Your score is \(progress.score)")
            InnerView() // No longer pass progress to the child view
                .environment(\.progress, progress) // Pass key-value pair

struct InnerView: View {
    // Grab UserProgress instance from the environment
    @Environment(\.progress) var progress: UserProgress

    var body: some View {
        Button("Increase Score") {
            progress.score += 1

Let’s move on to using these features to implement the structure of an application that uses clean architecture. As an example let’s imagine we are creating an app that keeps track of your startups daily scrum meetings. We can imagine that the data for the daily meetings needs to be stored on a database somewhere, that an interface is required to view this data and we may need to interact with this data as well.

The main structure of the app will look like the following:

Let's go over how this looks for our current example app. Note that each code block should be in its own file. **Data** A repository is a gateway for reading and writing data. We can abstract the details of where this data is coming from. For example, we could be fetching it from a third-party API or even a local database. Notice that this abstraction doesn't use any of the previously defined wrappers. It is instantiated by the Interactor below. ```swift protocol Repository { func loadScrumData() -> AnyPublisher<[Scrum], Error> func loadScrumDetails(scrum: Scrum) -> AnyPublisher<Scrum.Details, Error> } struct ScrumDatabaseRepository: Repository { let dbURL: String init(dbURL: String) { self.dbURL = dbURL } func loadScrumData() -> AnyPublisher<[Scrum], Error> { return call(database: dbURL, query: "select * from example.scrums;") } func loadScrumDetails(scrum: Scrum) -> AnyPublisher<Scrum.Details, Error> { return call(database: dbURL, query: "select * from example.details where id=\(;") } } ``` **Business** The AppState is the only object in the pattern that requires the `ObservableObject` wrapper. Similar to Redux, AppState is a single source of truth and keeps the state for the entire application. ```swift class AppState: ObservableObject { @Published var userData = UserData() @Published var routing = ViewRouting() @Published var system = System() } ``` The interactor is the way we interface with the repository in order to update our AppState, which allows the business logic to be segregated in the interactor. The interactor needs references to both the AppState and Repository because it delegates getting data from the Repository and updates the AppState accordingly. ```swift protocol Interactor { func loadScrums() func load(scrumDetails: Binding<Loadable>, Scrum.Details) } struct ScrumInteractor: Interactor { let databaseRepository: ScrumDatabaseRepository let appState: AppState init(databaseRepository: ScrumDatabaseRepository, appState: AppState) { self.databaseRepository = databaseRepository self.appState = appState } func loadCountries() { appState.userData.scrums = .isLoading(last: appState.userData.scrums.value) weak var weakAppState = appState _ = databaseRepository.loadCountries() .sinkToLoadable { weakAppState?.userData.countries = $0 } } func load(scrumDetails: Binding<Loadable>, Scrum.Details) { scrumDetails.wrappedValue = .isLoading(last: scrumDetails.wrappedValue.value) _ = webRepository.loadScrumDetails(scrum: scrum) .sinkToLoadable { scrumDetails.wrappedValue = $0 } } } ``` **Presentation** The final layer for clean architecture is the view. It holds references to the interactor to dispatch actions and the AppState in order to properly re-render views when AppState changes. ```swift struct ContentView: View { @StateObject var state = AppState() @StateObject var interactor: Interactor = ScrumInteractor(databaseRepository: "postgres://...", appState: state) var body: some View { VStack { ScrumList() .environment(\.interactor, interactor) } .environmentObject(state) } } struct ScrumList: View { @EnvironmentObject var appState: AppState @Environment(\.interactor) var interactor: Interactor var body: some View { ... .onAppear { self.interactors.scrumInteractor.loadScrums() } } } ``` That's all there is to it! You now know how to incorporate SwiftUI wrappers and protocols to create clean, testable code. For more information on the wrappers and protocols mentioned, check out the [Apple Developer Documentation]( ## Testing Your App - Unit Tests In Xcode, unit tests are written using the `XCTest` framework. You can add a new unit test case by going to `New File` and selecting the `Unit Test Case Class` template:

Unit Test Case

Xcode will then automatically set up a test case class, and you can write your unit test there. Unit tests in Xcode work as they do in any other language. One major difference to take note of is that assertions and other functions you may require for unit testing may look a little different since they're a part of the `XCTest` framework. For an outline of this framework and its functions, please refer to Apple's [documentation]( ## Testing Your App - Simulators: Background Xcode has [built-in simulators for many Apple devices]( you can use to run your code and see how it performs. Simulators in Xcode are a powerful tool for emulating, in real-time, a user’s app experience. You can download new simulators for a specific device and operating system version to test different scenarios, such as an iPhone 11 running iOS 13. ## Testing Your App - Simulators: Setup To configure a Simulator, go to `Windows` > `Devices and Simulators` and press the plus (`+`) button. You can then specify your configuration. Here, you can pick a simulation device (iPhone 14, iPad Pro, Apple Watch, etc.) in `Simulation`. Depending on the device of your choice, you may need to [download its Simulator runtime]( If you have your own Apple device, you can connect the device to your Mac to use it as your testing environment by connecting it with the appropriate cable and following the on-screen instructions. Note that as of iOS 14, from your device, you will initially have to go to `Settings` > `Privacy & Security` > `Developer Mode` to allow your device to run your app. ## Testing Your App - Simulators: Build and Run An app can be built and run at any point in time by pressing the play button on the upper-left side of the window. You can do the same, and access additional build options, from `Product`. Note that the simulator will not run if the app cannot be built, and Xcode will highlight the errors that need to be resolved in the leftmost panel. You can also go to `View` > `Navigators` > `Show Issue Navigator` to see these errors. ## Testing Your App - Simulators: Interactions Once inside the Simulator window, you will notice several new tabs along the top of the Mac to help you in your tests. The iOS device can generally be interacted with on your Mac as you would on the actual device. For example, swiping and tapping act the same way as they would on a real device. Some other device interactions, like changing the orientation of the device, can be done by going to `Device` and selecting the desired option. Note that some interactions are simulated in a slightly different way than they occur on the real device. They can all be found [here]( The `I/O` tab hosts several options for changing how your Mac handles inputs and outputs, for example, if you'd like to change the output audio device. The `Features` tab hosts a plethora of features to help test the functionality of your app in a real-time setting. Note that some of these features may not function correctly if your simulated device does not accept the appropriate permissions. For example, to test locational features, you may need to enable these settings in the simulated test environment. Some notable features are as follows, and availability may depend on the simulation device and iOS version: * FaceID and Authorize Apple Pay can be used to determine how your app handles these cases, if these interactions are ever requested by your app. * Toggle Appearance changes the device's view mode setting between light mode and dark mode so that you can see how your app’s UI may change depending on these user settings. * Increase/Decrease Preferred Text Size will show you how your app’s UI may change depending on the user’s text size. * Toggle Increased Contrast will show you how your app’s UI may change depending on whether the user is using their device in increased or regular contrast. * Location lets you simulate a device location, should your app have any location-dependent services such as CLLocation or MapKit. You can set a current location with latitude and longitude coordinates or simulate device movement with speeds ranging from running on foot to driving on the expressway. ## Testing Your App - Debugging Xcode hosts its own suite of debugging tools. Breakpoints generally serve as the basis for such debugging. You can [set a breakpoint]( anywhere in your code by clicking the line number at which you want to place the breakpoint. The line number will then be surrounded by the blue breakpoint icon to indicate a breakpoint. You can manage your breakpoints at any time by clicking the `Breakpoint Navigator` in the navigator area. When you next run your app, the app execution will pause at the site of the breakpoint. You will be able to see your variables in the Variable view in the bottom panel. You can then continue or step through the rest of your code and watch your variables change accordingly by clicking the appropriate buttons in the Debugger console in the bottom panel. For more detailed help with breakpoints and the Debugger console, see [here]( ## Other Useful Resources [Learn about the different data types in Swift]( Each language has its own nuances in how variables are declared and stored, useful to become familiar with it before starting to code. [SwiftUI has many property wrappers that provide different functionality to the object instances they are attached to]( These are an important tool for making your code efficient and storing your objects properly. In particular, you should be aware of what the `@State` and `@Binding` wrappers do. [Learn about Protocols for defining properties object models must have]( These function similar to what are known as `Interfaces` in other languages. Protocols are important as you will sometimes run into errors that require the object you are using to "conform" to some protocol. For example, if you are trying to loop over a custom object, you must first have that object [conform to Identifiable]( so that Swift can iterate through a list of that object and recognize which entries are unique.