Tech Stacks

Introduction to C#

Learning MySQL for databases

Introduction to Graph Databases with Neo4j

Getting Started With Apache Kafka

Postman API Testing


Embedded Javascript


Building Apple Native Software Using Swift and SwiftUI

Introduction to MapKit for SwiftUI

How to access and use salesforce API

React Resources

React useEffect Hook with Axios

Angular Resources

Next.js Resources

Node.js Resources

Learning PostgreSQL and psycopg2



Learning Tailwind

Learning Bootstrap

Learning TypeScript

Learning JavaScript

Learning React Native

Introduction to Reactstrap

Learning Nodemailer

Learning Firebase for Serverless Backends and Cloud Functions

Learning Ruby on Rails

React Components Guide

Learning Peewee ORM and Pydantic Models


Temporal For Workflow Orchestration

Using Protobufs with gRPC

Learning Cypress

Using MetaProgramming to build a server in python

Using the VertexAI SDK

Establishing Peer to Peer Connection with WebRTC

Asynchronous External API Interface in Python App

Learning JSON-RPC

Web scraping with Beautiful Soup

GraphQL with Apollo

React.js Bad Practice - Prop Drilling

Introduction to Static Typing in Python

Unity Tutorial: Basic TopDown 2D Character Controller

Introduction to Python Tkinter

Creating Your First iOS App

Debugging with GDB

Learning Express.js

Introduction to React ChartJS

Introduction to React Navigation

Writing Clean React Code


Introduction to Beautiful Soup

Setting up Firebase and Intro to Firestore

Using Supabase with Vue.js

Learning Odata

Learning Github Actions

Django Rest Framework

A Quick Primer on UI Testing in Vue

Learning about QRcode

Introduction to OpenShift

Django Basics and Django Rest Framework

Django Templates

Lodash Basics with Javascript

Inter-process Communication(IPC) with fork() and pipe() in C

Introduction to PHP

Introduction to Pandas

Pythonic Iteration Patterns

Introcuction to SCSS

What is Web Assembly?

Using Python Ray Tasks to distribute your functions on multiple machines

Object Oriented Programming in C++

Understanding Basic Machine Learning

Quickstarting Prisma ORM

Developing Serverless Applications on Google Cloud

Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection with Spring

JSON Parsing

NoSQL Database JSON Interaction

Creating a database in SQL

Vue Component Setup and Tips

Introduction to C

StripeAPI Setup

Intro to Flask with Flask-SQLAlchemy

Introduction to ROBLOX Studio

Understanding Bluetooth in Mobile App Development

Cross platform vs Native Mobile Development

Using Tiptap in a React CRUD App

Using KY - A versatile HttpClient

Building Interactive Web Applications with WebSockets

Memory safety in Rust




Understanding Bluetooth in Mobile App Development

Introduction to Cuda

Intro to Framer Motion, an Animation Library for React

Mobile App Development with React Native and Expo

Introduction to Unity UI Toolkit

Introduction to PDFKit

Introduction to P5.js

Introduction to SocketIO

Fine-tuning an ML model in Pytorch tutorial


Introduction to Unity Basics

How to Organize Unity Projects

A Beginner’s Guide for Unity UI Design

Unity ML Agents Tutorial

Unity 2D Top-down Character Controller Tutorial

Unity2D Tutorial: 2D Physics For PONG!